Unlocking the Secrets of Science and Innovation
Scientific advancements have dramatically shaped the way we live, work, and interact as a society. Understanding how scientists think about the world can help you think more holistically about the ways that science impacts your family, work, health, and life. In this course, you will apply concepts from the physical and biological sciences as you explore the impact science has on innovation in how we live and work as a society. The lab portion will help you develop critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and research skills that will help you become a better consumer of science.
Course Outcomes
- Present the science behind key innovations through the lens of the scientific method.
- Examine credible information to determine how science is currently solving real-world problems.
- Analyze alternative solutions, conclusions, or approaches to unsolved scientific problems.
Media Assets
- Features 11 Video Stories

Over the next 11 weeks, you’ll explore techniques to solve complex problems that affect the entire world and your daily life! You’ll learn how you can research, reason, and respond to information that surrounds us, just like scientists do. And you’ll discover how you can use these same techniques to make the best decisions for your future!

This week, you’ll continue to grow your innovation, problem solving, and results driven skills as you explore how scientists stay resilient in the face of failure, explain their work, and ensure that their conclusions are reliable.

This week, you will further develop your problem solving skill as you explore how scientists are using discoveries about the human genome to treat and prevent diseases.

This week, you will grow your problem solving, innovation, and results driven skills as you learn about bacteria, viruses, and diseases. You will also explore how credible scientific studies are completed, how some conclusions are proven wrong, and why the only thing that can truly refute science is better science.

This week, you will grow your problem solving and results driven skills as you learn how to be a better consumer of science—and information in general—by understanding which sources are credible, which aren’t, and how you can tell the difference.

This week, you’ll continue to develop your problem solving, results driven, and innovation skills as you explore how public health decisions are made, how valid measurements lead to logical conclusions, and how the scientific method inspires new ideas.

This week, you’ll continue to develop your results driven, innovation, and problem solving skills as you explore the importance of ethics in science, discover how to leverage your curiosity to develop creative ideas, and learn how to address problems caused by environmental changes.

This week, you’ll continue to grow your problem solving and innovation skills as you learn how scientists take contradictory points of view into account while finding ways to protect endangered habitats and species.

This week, you’ll explore how scientists use their problem solving and results driven skills as they try to break down barriers in the fight against climate change, and how you can use these same skills to grow yourself personally and professionally.

This week, you’ll explore how scientists are using their problem solving, innovation, and results driven skills to tackle the increasingly dire problem of climate change.

This week, you’ll explore how scientists are using their problem solving, innovation, and results driven skills to tackle the increasingly dire problem of climate change.