Growth Mindset
Author: Professor Ryan Poirier
Posted : February 1, 2020 4:49:05 PM EST

In the article, How Companies Can Profit from a “Growth Mindset”, there are a great number of benefits to encouraging employees and team members to grow and develop their skills, talents, and competencies.
You are a new manager in a company that believes in a fixed mindset approach. Through your own professional development over the years, you have worked to develop a growth mindset for yourself. Now that you’re in a leadership role, how could you go about creating change within your new department and encouraging your company to foster a growth mindset?
For instance, how would you deliver feedback to your team members that would promote a growth mindset?
Note – You can learn more about mindset and growth mindset in Chapter 7 of the webtext. Here is also a short YouTube video to learn more too:
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